Student Consumer Information
According to federal regulations (Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008) institutions of postsecondary education are required to disclose specific consumer information regarding the institution, as well as other financial aid information, to enrolled and prospective students.
The following information includes data, PDF documents and other external and internal website addresses for further information.
Athletic Program Information
Information included in this section provides further details on Athletic Program Participation and Financial Support, commonly referred to as the EADA Report.
Office of Athletic Compliance
3330 Laclede Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63103
Phone: 314-977-3509
- 博彩网址大全 Athletic Program Information
- Equity in Athletics Disclosure Report
- Graduation Rates for Student Athletes
Campus Contacts
The following offices may be contacted to assist enrolled or prospective students with the following:
Financial Assistance Information
DuBourg Hall, Room 119
Institutional Information
Office of the Provost
DuBourg Hall, Room 210
Compliance and Graduation Rates
Office of Institutional Research
Verhagen Hall, Room 313
Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity
DuBourg Hall, Room 036
Security Policies and Crime Statistics
Department of Public Safety
Wool Center, Room 114
Informal Complaints and Academic Concerns
Office of the Provost
Dean of Students
Office of Student Responsibility and Community Standards
Cash Management
Students who have aid which exceeds their direct billed costs will receive a refund. Aid can be paid no sooner than ten days prior to the start of the semester. After aid has been applied based on the student's choice, refunds will either be mailed via check to an address designated on the student's account; or deposited directly into a checking or savings account as set up by the student. To take advantage of the electronic (EFT) refund process, click on the "refund" tab within the "Payment Suite" of your my博彩网址大全 account. Saint Louis University is contracted through U.S. Bank (financial institution) to market and offer directly to students enrolled at Saint Louis University the option to open an account with U.S. Bank.
While a student's access device (ID Card) includes the Saint Louis University and the U.S. Bank logo, students are not obligated nor required to open or obtain a financial account with US Bank; nor is a student required to obtain an access device offered by or through US Bank. Federal Regulations [668.164 (d),(e), (f)]. This information is included in Saint Louis University's annual disclosure that is communicated to all students enrolled at Saint Louis University each academic year.
Learn More About the Contract Established With US Bank
Cohort Default Rate
Saint Louis University has a 3 year cohort default rate of 0.00%.
Learn more about cohort default rates and how they are calculated.
Complaint Resolution
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
P.O. Box 27170
Washington, DC 20038
Phone: 1-855-411-2372
Missouri Attorney General's Office
Supreme Court Building
207 W. High Street
P.O. Box 899
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Consumer Complaints
Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development
Attn: Complaint Processing
301 West High Street
P.O. Box 1469
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Fax number: 573-751-2361
Ohio State Board of Career Colleges and Schools
30 East Broad Street, Suite 2481
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: 1-614-466-2752
Ohio Department of Higher Education
25 South Front Street
Columbus, OH 43215
Ohio Attorney General
Consumer Protection Section
30 East Broad Street, 14th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Texas Workforce Commission
101 East 15th Street
Austin, TX 78778-0001
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
1801 Congress Ave, Suite 12.200
Austin, TX 78701
Office of the Attorney General
Consumer Protection Division
PO Box 12548
Austin, TX 78711-2548
Constitution Day and Citizenship Day Disclosures
Under the Department of Education statutory requirement, any post-secondary institution receiving federal funds must hold an educational program pertaining to the U.S. Constitution on Sept. 17 of each year. Constitution Day and Citizenship Day commemorates the signing of the U.S. Constitution on Sept. 17, 1787, during the U.S. Constitutional Convention. To commemorate this day Saint Louis University holds their annual Constitution Day Quiz through an online survey that is open to all students. A winner is randomly selected among those who completed the quiz, and the winner is awarded a 博彩网址大全-themed prize.
Copyright Infringement
Disabilities Resources
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Financial Aid
- Student Financial Services
- Types of Aid Available
- How to Apply for Financial Assistance
- Terms and Conditions of Financial Aid
- Contact Student Financial Services
- Student Loan Information
- Loan Entrance and Exit Interviews
- Federal Student Loan Information
- Student Rights and Responsibilities
- Withdrawal and Return of Federal Funds
- Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
- Student Loan Forgiveness Opportunities
Health and Safety
- Department of Public Safety
- Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy and Treatment
- 博彩网址大全 Student Handbook
- Annual Security Report (Clery Act)
- Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures
- Health Disclosure: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)
- Missing Person Policy
- Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification
- Harassment Policy
- Sexual Misconduct Policy
- Vaccination/Immunization Policy
Institutional Information
- Academic Programs
- Accreditation: As an institution, Saint Louis University is fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. 博彩网址大全 has be continuously accredited since 1916.
- Admission Information
- Cost
- Facilities
Campus-based courses are taught in classrooms and laboratories in St. Louis, Missouri, and Madrid, Spain. Individual buildings for the St. Louis and Madrid campuses can be found on the campus map. - Textbook Information
Military Service Member Recruitment
博彩网址大全 does not participate in and prohibits high-pressure recruitment tactics for the purpose of securing enrollments of Service members, including making multiple unsolicited contacts, by phone, email or in-person and engaging in same-day recruitment and registration. Students may opt out of 博彩网址大全 admission communication at any time.
Placement Information
Refund Policies
Student Financial Responsibility
Student Outcomes
- Graduation Rates
- National Center for Education Statistics Graduation Rates
- Job Placement
- Retention Rates
- Transfer Out Rates
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Study Abroad
Taxability of University Housing Scholarship
Saint Louis University may offer university housing scholarships to enrolled or prospective students, depending upon funding and administrative discretion in a given academic year. To that extent, students who receive this scholarship may encounter federal tax liabilities.
Furthermore, while most scholarships are considered tax-free, a scholarship or fellowship grant, by definition of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), is considered tax-free only to the extent that:
- It does not exceed your qualified educational expenses; and
- It is not designated or earmarked for other purposes (such as room and board); and
- It does not require (by its terms) that it cannot be used for qualified educational expenses.
U.S. Department of Treasury. Internal Revenue Service. Publication 970: Tax Benefits for Education. Washington, DC. Government Printing Office. 2015. (Cat. No. 25221V).
Because Saint Louis University housing scholarships are designated for room and board, they are considered taxable. Please note that as financial aid administrators we are not tax advisers. We encourage students and their families to seek tax advice from a trained tax professional regarding the treatment of this type of scholarship.
Learn More About Policies Regarding Taxable Grants and Scholarships
University Withdrawal Policy
- School for Professional Studies’ Policy
- Student Financial Services Withdrawal and Enrollment Changes
- Registrar’s Policies and Procedures